

Scientific Name: Maclura tinctoria

Other Common and Commercial Names: Mora guatemalteca.

Appearance: is light to medium reddish brown, with streaks of lighter and darker material. Has a straight to interlocked grain, with a fine to medium texture.

Characteristics: La Mora guatemalteca is very durable and has good weathering characteristics; it is also resistant to termites.

Weight: The basic specific gravity (ovendry weight/ green volume) ranges from 0.75 to 0.91, air drying density of 57lbs.

Janka Rating: 2,380.

Workability: Working this wood can be difficult due to its hardness and density, though it is reported to have little dulling effect on cutting edges. It turns well, and also takes stains, glues and finishes well.

Uses: It is used in construction, to make cabinets, tool handles, furniture, road wheel, interior finishes and other uses. A yellow dye, soluble in water, has been extracted from the wood to dye clothes. The bark has been used to extract tannin and the sap for caulking boats and for the use of folk medicine.